The extent of my St. Patrick's day celebration. Also, this is a damn good session beer. @AleSyndicate #brewvu @ThomasPoptart March 15, 2014, 9:18 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,519 times
Enjoyed some sun with my @ESBCBrews #citra. #beerporn #beertography #brewvu #paleale @maria_fulmer August 11, 2013, 6:21 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: citra, beerporn, beertography, brewvu, paleale vu'ed: 1,851 times
With a half hour to relax, I choose Lagunitas 13.alt and some Wilco on vinyl. #brewvu @vedhead011 February 18, 2013, 7:07 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,578 times
Starting my weekend with one of those famous beers nobody talks about any more. #brewvu @thebeernut November 6, 2015, 1:38 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,609 times
Finishing the Christmas season on a rather tasty French milk stout. #brewvu @thebeernut January 6, 2016, 3:01 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,595 times
"Don't bring your sword to a liquor store" - helpful words from Surly Brewing. @beerinator November 10, 2018, 5:21 pm EST source: instagram sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,353 times
Two of the finest 2012 vintages; @LocalH's Hallelujah! I'm a Bum and New Glarus' Barley Wine. #brewvu @g847m January 9, 2016, 10:07 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,525 times
Having @sweetwaterbrew IPA at the Atlanta airport. First good beer in a week. #brewvu @OleMissPtocReb August 10, 2012, 6:58 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,584 times
Chocolate Truffle, faceward bound. #brewvu @thebeernut April 7, 2017, 12:23 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,306 times
Remain in the light. #brewvu @beerinator September 4, 2016, 5:15 pm EDT source: instagram sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,776 times
Techno Gorilla #brewvu @_YellowBird_ November 3, 2015, 7:30 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,666 times
Following Major Big Time's orders to report for duty halfway through mowing the lawn. #brewvu @vedhead011 August 17, 2014, 5:07 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,909 times
I think I might drink a few beers tonight, guys. @beerinator September 1, 2017, 5:05 pm EDT source: instagram sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,662 times
Had a pack of cheese crackers for lunch today. This will probably leave a mark. #brewvu @beerinator June 3, 2015, 6:49 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,602 times
Ooh tasty @postcardbrewco @MolloysLiquor , happy Friday #brewvu @Oblivious_ October 19, 2018, 2:53 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,497 times
Waited long enough to change this Antiochtoberfest to Anti-Oktoberfest! Weather wise, at least. #brewvu @g847m November 21, 2015, 6:00 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,902 times
Permanent Funeral, unfortunately temporary brohang with @MulebroueLLC. #brewvu @vedhead011 September 3, 2013, 4:11 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,678 times
Ready for football! #brewvu #reddraw @talktotony September 20, 2015, 12:43 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, reddraw vu'ed: 1,526 times
How much is one "serving" of a 12% beer? Asking for my liver. #brewvu @beerinator October 6, 2013, 7:11 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,374 times
Enjoy or allow to mature up to 13 years. 😲 @beerinator October 18, 2018, 6:57 pm EDT source: instagram sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,463 times
Look at these breweries still making clear beer in 2018! @beerinator March 22, 2018, 5:34 pm EDT source: instagram sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,681 times
I played bagpipes today, this seems fitting… #brewvu @spurlox February 10, 2014, 7:18 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,676 times
Very much enjoying this Sunday and this IPA. @beerinator October 6, 2013, 6:15 pm EDT source: email sign in to vote 0 tags: vu'ed: 1,506 times
We kinda got after it tonight. #brewvu @dinkle50 October 17, 2014, 11:36 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,873 times
Drinkin my Paycheck #brewvu @untappd So proud @fchezenko November 9, 2012, 5:23 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,843 times
Let me live 'neath your spell... #brewvu @beerfoodtravel December 30, 2017, 4:51 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,438 times
Pure Hoppiness #brewvu @_YellowBird_ November 30, 2015, 7:36 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,743 times
Starting my day off right @BUSYBEECAFE with a @greatdividebrew Rumble IPA #brewvu @OleMissPtocReb August 16, 2013, 1:35 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,830 times
Trying Kisetsu, a saki/saison, coming from the goose later this year. A ten percent sneaker. @beerinator September 12, 2013, 9:13 pm EDT source: email sign in to vote 0 tags: vu'ed: 1,619 times
Hop Drop N' Roll kinda night in Gboro. @beerinator @rthurmond #brewvu #showyourcans @ChrisShields45 October 26, 2013, 4:49 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, showyourcans vu'ed: 1,836 times
Brewvu good night is delish Lift Off IPA Brett Project at @TomTapRoom preview Sour+Wild+Funk fest @UplandBrewCo @DaredevilBeer May 15, 2015, 11:37 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: vu'ed: 1,714 times
Apologies to Todd, I've been sitting on this awhile. Worth the wait, I'm sure. #brewvu @g847m April 9, 2016, 4:00 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,705 times
This @solemnoathbeer Viking is living the fancy life. #brewvu @beerinator January 28, 2014, 8:10 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,527 times
Cross-dressing monk. #brewvu @thebeernut April 21, 2016, 6:14 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,412 times
@beerinator same situation is happening right now in NC. #brewvu @OleMissPtocReb July 22, 2012, 5:26 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,784 times
Man O Awe from those @3floyds guys tastes half as tingly as a Portuguese Man-O-War and twice as hoppy! #brewvu @beerinator March 19, 2014, 7:30 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,549 times
#brewvu on a boat. @JoePostma July 13, 2012, 7:54 pm EDT source: instagram sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,771 times
Airport Biscuits and Gravy, 8am Pale Ale and a sad little strawberry. #brewvu @beerinator October 14, 2012, 10:31 am EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,363 times
Lovin my @TheDirtyBucket Irish Red! #craftbeer #WAbeer #brewvu @talktotony November 26, 2014, 10:54 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: craftbeer, wabeer, brewvu vu'ed: 1,614 times
Just enjoyed some atgbrewery @BlueStallionBC Berwynnerweisse #craftbeer #brewvu @RealBMaxwell July 3, 2014, 7:45 pm EDT source: instagram sign in to vote 0 tags: craftbeer, brewvu vu'ed: 1,328 times