@cicerone flash cards, @GameOfThrones coasters, & @4HandsBrewery on the new coffee table. #brewvu http://t.co/SEY5mjOoEG @ThomasPoptart December 27, 2014, 6:02 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,781 times
@marzbrewing The Machine #brewvu #staycation http://t.co/r8DinVBmWh @ThomasPoptart December 27, 2014, 2:25 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, staycation vu'ed: 1,717 times
2012, 2013, and 2014 @DeschutesBeer Abyss. #brewvu #Christmasbeer http://t.co/xfML2BYwyB @ThomasPoptart December 25, 2014, 5:35 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, christmasbeer vu'ed: 1,745 times
@HalfAcreBeer Big Hugs for my brother's birthday! #brewvu #Francsmas #Francos http://t.co/7d2xZiLIyO @ThomasPoptart December 24, 2014, 8:30 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu, francsmas, francos vu'ed: 1,732 times
@OffcolorBrewing tap takeover @scofflaw #brewvu #scotch http://t.co/2SDdBiid9B @ThomasPoptart December 20, 2014, 4:28 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, scotch vu'ed: 1,504 times
And @OffcolorBrewing continues to play to my love of rodents and dinos, with great success. #brewvu #dinosmores http://t.co/yB6GFXOtHw @ThomasPoptart December 13, 2014, 12:08 am EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, dinosmores vu'ed: 1,596 times
Tis the season. #brewvu http://t.co/ixJvbYkhq8 @ThomasPoptart December 13, 2014, 12:05 am EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,614 times
Tryin some @CasaBrujaBrew en Chicago #brewvu #Panama http://t.co/HQZJlZNctL @ThomasPoptart December 11, 2014, 11:21 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, panama vu'ed: 1,576 times
I survived three holiday parties in a row this week. Chillin out with this now. #brewvu http://t.co/7M5BAATeE3 @ThomasPoptart December 11, 2014, 8:42 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,468 times
Back in the USA. @BellsBrewery homecoming beer to ease me into the cold. #brewvu #missingPanama http://t.co/9ZYW3WOZBd @ThomasPoptart December 8, 2014, 6:19 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, missingpanama vu'ed: 1,610 times
@PerennialBeer and @prairieales Friendsgiving. #brewvu http://t.co/akuBYQNwS0 @ThomasPoptart November 23, 2014, 9:03 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,755 times
@SpitefulBrewing Working for (on?) the Weekend. #brewvu http://t.co/bVZW7472Qv @ThomasPoptart November 23, 2014, 1:22 am EST source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,795 times
@foundersbrewing Backwoods 2013. Sweet, malty, tamed. #brewvu http://t.co/OE30podsQI @ThomasPoptart November 21, 2014, 11:36 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,744 times
Finally found some @AleSyndicate Richie! Perfect post-dinner porter. #brewvu http://t.co/Phi06UYd9F @ThomasPoptart November 20, 2014, 8:42 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,600 times
Still no revision comments. Coping w/ @RevBrewChicago and open source design software. #MApurgatory #brewvu http://t.co/bSIZ29GRfB @ThomasPoptart November 19, 2014, 9:57 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: mapurgatory, brewvu vu'ed: 1,813 times
Sleep and @lagunitasbeer lil sumpin wild. I ate the whole thing. #brewvu #sleepforever http://t.co/gQfAP0s0Yc @ThomasPoptart November 16, 2014, 2:36 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, sleepforever vu'ed: 1,442 times
Prepping for Sleep @kumascorner #brewvu http://t.co/in96A7mLYI @ThomasPoptart November 16, 2014, 1:34 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,435 times
Aphrodite @BinnysBev #brewvu http://t.co/V7fqGcW708 @ThomasPoptart November 15, 2014, 2:22 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,561 times
@SideProjectBrew Saison du Ble, @solemnoathbeer Sybil's Revenge #brewvu #FoBAB http://t.co/jJeLVgj2QM @ThomasPoptart November 14, 2014, 7:57 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, fobab vu'ed: 1,703 times
Rib cage/vertebrae headphones. Nice. @HalfAcreBeer #brewvu http://t.co/iceZlykOil @ThomasPoptart November 9, 2014, 7:27 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,545 times
Still no draft revision comments, so I'm doing this instead. 100 IBU vs 85 IBU. A win either way. #brewvu http://t.co/M993rwpxBe @ThomasPoptart November 2, 2014, 7:10 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,712 times
Tour presents from @JamesAndrew0001 #brewvu #sundaysipper http://t.co/JH4T09S6Ju @ThomasPoptart November 2, 2014, 4:25 pm EST source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, sundaysipper vu'ed: 1,665 times
I may need to give @OffcolorBrewing a thank you credit on my Masters project. #brewvu #homestretch #alesofacademia http://t.co/qBz8qIRwM5 @ThomasPoptart October 30, 2014, 10:25 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, homestretch, alesofacademia vu'ed: 1,646 times
Finally getting over this cold! Checking out this nice session stout from @StoneBrewingCo #brewvu http://t.co/cW6OrfBccd @ThomasPoptart October 29, 2014, 7:47 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,702 times
@foundersbrewing Harvest Ale. Light, bright, bitter. All in all quite nice #brewvu http://t.co/kBooNFmT4j @ThomasPoptart October 16, 2014, 9:19 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,750 times
@OffcolorBrewing Fierce @WhistlerChicago #brewvu http://t.co/PZzE0zSfEI @ThomasPoptart October 12, 2014, 9:20 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,639 times
This beer is a balanced beauty and I suggest you seek it out immediately. @RevBrewChicago #brewvu http://t.co/2Ah9x8RIoT @ThomasPoptart October 12, 2014, 5:51 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,750 times
Ryetoberfest @surlybrewing #surlySunday #brewvu http://t.co/iwm2xtT9PS @ThomasPoptart October 12, 2014, 5:36 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: surlysunday, brewvu vu'ed: 1,560 times
@StoneBrewingCo Xocoveza. Heavy on the coffee while cold. Smells like great dark chocolate. #brewvu http://t.co/PbsHROW5Eh @ThomasPoptart October 12, 2014, 12:03 am EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,676 times
@HalfAcreBeer Heyoka. Missed you. #brewvu http://t.co/TsnMMDPSRH @ThomasPoptart October 1, 2014, 9:15 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,709 times
I liked last year's batch more but this reminds me of campfires & happiness so I still like it. #brewvu #autumnal http://t.co/2wqRrjR28S @ThomasPoptart September 29, 2014, 7:48 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu, autumnal vu'ed: 1,501 times
@CrookedStave ! Sour city ! #brewvu http://t.co/mwCdpcIZ3K @ThomasPoptart September 23, 2014, 3:19 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,522 times
Use Your Illusion #2 blended sour @mountainsunpub #brewvu http://t.co/QXfZqssRHo @ThomasPoptart September 22, 2014, 5:09 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: 2, brewvu vu'ed: 1,697 times
Raspberry Berliner, oud bruin, tropic king. @Funkwerks #brewvu http://t.co/T1G4cYiwTH @ThomasPoptart September 20, 2014, 9:48 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,650 times
First CO beer of the trip. Forbearance Belgian IPA @OdellBrewing #brewvu http://t.co/epG5hsVcEn @ThomasPoptart September 20, 2014, 7:17 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,573 times
Dat Ale Syndicate. Them Crystal hops. #brewvu @AleSyndicate http://t.co/le4EtOcKTO @ThomasPoptart September 11, 2014, 11:35 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,635 times
Haven't had this in ages and it's so much better than I remember. #tbt #brewvu @GLBC_Cleveland http://t.co/hyYFmvGkus @ThomasPoptart September 11, 2014, 11:21 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: tbt, brewvu vu'ed: 1,650 times
I know the theme is fall but I'm still in denial, drinking @foundersbrewing Rubaeus over here. #beerchat #brewvu http://t.co/6GXFOpOlpc @ThomasPoptart September 11, 2014, 9:10 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: beerchat, brewvu vu'ed: 1,659 times
Friday festin' with @CWBrewing #brewvu http://t.co/NBc7BjLsLk @ThomasPoptart August 29, 2014, 9:03 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,592 times
Finally checking out @Dryhopchicago #brewvu http://t.co/yRNHssSimw @ThomasPoptart August 29, 2014, 2:47 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,651 times