Sun is setting on the woods of Michigan series with a North Park Diabolical. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 18, 2013, 8:43 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,460 times
A Saugatuck Brewing Co ESB Amber from the source. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 18, 2013, 6:08 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,526 times
True Scot is truly good, at Saugatuck Brewery. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 18, 2013, 5:19 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,735 times
The Akari Shogun stalks the woods of Michigan. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 18, 2013, 3:56 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,541 times
In Two Hearted country. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 18, 2013, 12:14 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,103 times
Maximus hanging outus with Lagunitas. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 17, 2013, 8:49 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,516 times
Going A Little Crazy with @RevBrewChicago in the woods of Michigan. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 17, 2013, 7:35 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,552 times
The woods of Michigan have been invaded by @HalfAcreBeer Akari Shogun. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 17, 2013, 6:36 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,459 times
Some delicious UFO something or other IPA from Greenbush. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 17, 2013, 5:18 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,393 times
Retribution & Mr. Hyde at Greenbush Brewery in Sawyer, MI. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 17, 2013, 2:26 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,085 times
Despite not fitting the color scheme, I'm enjoying my last HOPSLAM while spinning The White Stripes. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 16, 2013, 10:43 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,520 times
What really sucks is that this is my last one. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 16, 2013, 7:18 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,461 times
Mother's Day brew is the Anger black IPA from Greenbush. I'm happy. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 12, 2013, 5:10 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,528 times
A few brews at the in laws tonight. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 11, 2013, 10:12 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,475 times
Post #Blackhawks game sorrow drowning, Rye of the Tiger is up to the task. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 5, 2013, 6:37 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: blackhawks, brewvu vu'ed: 1,642 times
Had a delicious Anti-Hero from Revolution today while checking out the new wing franchise in town. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 4, 2013, 7:46 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,583 times
Had a little help cleaning the grill from Rye of the Tiger. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 4, 2013, 7:45 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,667 times
Finished off at @TightHeadBrew with a little Batch 42 bourbonbarrelageddoubleoatmealstout.#brewvu @vedhead011 May 3, 2013, 9:10 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,594 times
Getting my @TightHeadBrew Irie IPA out of a cask this time. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 3, 2013, 6:17 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,707 times
I love that Chilly Water at @TightHeadBrew #brewvu @vedhead011 May 3, 2013, 5:59 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,605 times
Starting the weekend at @TightHeadBrew with a Mechanics Grove Maibock. #brewvu @vedhead011 May 3, 2013, 5:58 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,638 times
Tried jinxing it...didn't work. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 28, 2013, 7:41 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,634 times
Oak aged afternoon. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 28, 2013, 5:28 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,424 times
I like the stink of a Farmhouse. Flying Dog went there IPA style with the Wildeman. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 28, 2013, 4:19 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,656 times
Went behind the cheddar curtain today and shots were fired by the Dancing Man. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 27, 2013, 8:08 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,276 times
Dark Lord Day is tomorrow so @MulebroueLLC took me into the way back machine to 2009. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 26, 2013, 9:35 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,491 times
Pizza and Lagunitas New Dogtown. Exciting domestic Saturday night. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 20, 2013, 6:36 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,573 times
. @MulebroueLLC gave this beer to me and my taste buds are running rampant. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 17, 2013, 10:10 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,696 times
A growler of Anger Black IPA has arrived from Green Bush in Sawyer, MI. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 14, 2013, 5:37 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,714 times
There's a Lagunitas New Dogtown Pale Ale in this picture. #brewvu @vedhead011 April 3, 2013, 9:47 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,866 times
New Glarus Spotted Cow, always a safe bet. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 30, 2013, 8:59 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,585 times
You can't tell, but that's a @MKEbrewco Louie's Demise at Miller Park. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 30, 2013, 8:58 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,654 times
You can't tell, but that's a Sierra Nevada Torpedo at the ballpark. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 30, 2013, 8:57 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,556 times
Grilling with Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 30, 2013, 8:56 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,834 times
First Oberon of the year. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 30, 2013, 8:54 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,717 times
No wrong time of year for Spotted Cow and brats. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 23, 2013, 7:54 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 1 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,619 times
Behind state lines for a Back 40 bock from New Glarus. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 23, 2013, 5:41 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,424 times
Dug in the back of the fridge for a Lagunitas Little Sumpin' WILD Ale. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 19, 2013, 8:43 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,609 times
Chilly Water, BourbonBarrelAgedDoubleOatmealStout, and more taps at Tighthead. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 16, 2013, 10:48 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,519 times
Guinea Pig Irish Stout und an Irish car bomb cupcake made from said brew. #brewvu @vedhead011 March 16, 2013, 10:31 pm EDT source: twitter sign in to vote 0 tags: brewvu vu'ed: 1,521 times